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Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

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Buku-Buku : Toyota Pick-Ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner

Buku-Buku : Toyota Pick-Ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner
Buku Toyota Pick-Ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner.

1. Toyota Pick-Ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner 1970-88 (Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manuals)

Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments:
The Total Car Care series continues to lead all other do-it-yourself automotive repair manuals. This series offers do-it-yourselfers of all levels TOTAL maintenance, service and repair information in an easy-to-use format. Each manual covers all makes format. Each manual covers all makes and models, unless otherwise indicated. :Based on actual teardowns :Simple step-by-step procedures for engine overhaul, chassis electrical drive train, suspension, steering and more :Trouble codes :Electronic engine controls
Covers all models of Pick-Up, Land Cruiser and 4Runner, 2 and 4 wheel drive, gasoline and diesel engines.
* Tune-up and routine maintenance
* Engine and overhaul procedures
* Cooling, heating and air-conditioning systems
* Fuel and exhaust systems
* Engine electrical systems
* Emissions control systems
* Transmission
* Brakes
* Suspension and steering systems
* Body
* Chassis electrical system
* Wiring diagrams


2. Toyota Pick-Ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner 1989-96 (Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manuals)

Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments:
The Total Car Care series continues to lead all other do-it-yourself automotive repair manuals. This series offers do-it-yourselfers of all levels TOTAL maintenance, service and repair information in an easy-to-use format. Each manual covers all makes format. Each manual covers all makes and models, unless otherwise indicated. :Based on actual teardowns :Simple step-by-step procedures for engine overhaul, chassis electrical drive train, suspension, steering and more :Trouble codes :Electronic engine controls
Covers all models of Pick-Up, Tacoma, T100, Land Cruiser, 4Runner, 2 and 4 wheel drive.
* Tune-up and routine maintenance
* Engine and overhaul procedures
* Cooling, heating and air-conditioning systems
* Fuel and exhaust systems
* Engine electrical systems
* Emissions control systems
* Transmission
* Brakes
* Suspension and steering systems
* Body
* Chassis electrical system
* Wiring diagrams

3. Toyota Pick-up Trucks, Land Cruiser, 4Runner Repair Manual 1997-2000

This repair manual covers all US and Canadian models of Toyota T100 and Tacoma pick-up trucks, Land Cruiser and 4Runner, 2WD and 4WD models, 1997 to 2000.

Table of Contents

Introduction: About this manual | Introduction | Vehicle identification numbers | Maintenance techniques, tools and working facilities | Buying parts | Jacking and towing | Anti-theft audio system | Booster battery (jump) starting | Conversion factors | Automotive chemicals and lubricants | Safety first! | Troubleshooting

* Tune-up and routine maintenance
* Engine and overhaul procedures
* Cooling, heating and air-conditioning systems
* Fuel and exhaust systems
* Engine electrical systems
* Emissions control systems
* Transmission
* Brakes
* Suspension and steering systems
* Body
* Chassis electrical system
* Wiring diagrams

Chilton repair manuals can save you money on maintenance and repair bills. Step-by-step procedures and illustrations guide you through every job, from basic maintenance and troubleshooting, to complete teardown & rebuild.

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Harga 155rb per buku.
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Toyota Pick-Ups/Land Cruiser/4Runner (1989-96) Chilton Manual

Toyota Trucks (1970-88) Chilton Manual

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

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